Keeping it local and likable.


Working for a local advertising agency, I know the struggles of building a sturdy repertoire. Not only do I work for a local business, but as digital/social media marketer at my agency I only work with local clients.

When working with clients on creating a social media plan, it’s sometimes hard to convince businesses that the main goal for their page is to maintain and build on their relationships with their already established customer base.  The misconception for so many businesses is the desire to build an endless fan base. Granted, thousands of fans make your page look great…on the exterior, but don’t you actually want to build your real life customer base? A fan that lives thousands of miles away can’t provide a reliable recommendation for your company.

A recent article on is much better at explaining this theory than I am…

Keep it Local, Local, or Local on Facebook

What do you think is important?  More Facebook fans or reliable local customers?