Is Social Media Erasing In Our Future?

When on the brink of graduating college, I remember having several lectures over the importance of having a clean and appropriate social media page. At the time, I was a naive 22 year old with a pretty squeaky clean background.  I had a tendency to laugh off those wasted hours with my college BFF, but I’ll admit something in those lectures always seemed to haunt me… No matter what you’ve deleted from your social media outlets thus far—they’ll never truly be erased from the internet.  Basically, there’s no possible way to delete those hideous ‘duck face’ photos I was tagged in circa 2008 (okay, okay 2012).

I failed to mention the fact that before I took my job here at PRA, I was a licensed teacher. Long story short, I was unhappy with ‘teaching to the test’ and I ended up following another passion of mine…online shopping computers.

As a potential educator, you’d imagine that an appropriate Facebook or Twitter page was imperative in regards to wanting to get hired.  Whoops.  But I couldn’t be the only one with embarrassing photos on page 3,486,094 of the Google search…could I?

But thinking back to those pre-Bachelor’s Degree lectures–I wish someone would’ve given me this tidbit of information back (gee I dunno) when I actually created these pages! I do believe I started my social media addiction in 2002.  Damn you, Myspace!

Unfortunately, the infamous photo of me at a ‘CEOs and Office Hoes’ party may always float on in cyber space but there’s hope for our future generations!

Say What?

Currently, legislators in California are working towards creating a GIANT eraser button to help teens and young adults (minors only, sorry) delete unwanted information/photos on their social media platforms. Check out the entire article here: Social Media ‘eraser button’ law would let kids delete web history.

Social Media Hiring

The days of filling out resumes and applying for jobs online are becoming a thing of the past…well technically.   You may still be searching for jobs online, but are you aware that employers are now searching for perspective employees through social media? Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are becoming more and more popular for companies looking for new and social savvy employees. states, “What might be surprising is social recruiting is more likely to get you hired, plus it can help you stay employed longer.”

Have you been hired through the powers of social media?

Are you more likely to use social media to get hired now? 

Read the full article on here!